sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

Oraintxe ohartu naiz, gure logroñoko lehenengo azterketa ez nuela oraindik igoa. Hemen doa:
Lehenengo plano analitikoetan, Logroñoko bilakaera eta oraingo egoera aztertu genituen. Segidan ohartu ginen jendea kasko historikotik periferietara joana zela bizitzera, kasko hontako "desertizazioa" emanez.

Proposamen bezala, alde zaharretik sare bat sortu dugu, baratza, zelai, merkatu, tailer e.a. barruan hartzen dituenak. Hutsuneetan kokatuko ditugu jarduera hauek, eta altuera ezberdinetan jokatuko dugu gure sarea kokatzerako garaian.

Hemen foto-muntai batzuk, jarduera posibleekin.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Logroño Montecorvo Eco City September 27th, 2008

Dutch architects MVRDV and Spanish architects GRAS have won a competition to design a new carbon-neutral city in La Rioja, Spain. The development will cover two hills and will include 3,000 social homes with sports facilities, retail, restaurants and gardens. The buildings will occupy 10% of the 56 ha site, with the remaining space used for energy production and as a public park. All energy required by the city will be generated by solar cells and and wind turbines. The city will also incorporate a greywater circuit and natural water purification. A museum and viewing point hidden in the top of one of the hills will house a research and promotion centre for renewable and energy-efficient technology.

The following text is from MVRDV:

Government of Rioja gives green light to MVRDV’s Logroño Montecorvo Eco City

The government of the Spanish province and autonomous community Rioja has decided to go ahead with the development of the extension to Logroño. The Eco-City designed by MVRDV in collaboration with GRAS foresees the construction of 3,000 social homes and complementary program. The new neighbourhood achieves a CO2 neutral footprint by producing renewable energy on site. The total investment is 388 million Euro.

The 56 ha site, just north of Logroño on the two small hills of Montecorvo and la Fonsalada, offers views over the city and vast south facing slopes. The masterplan is designed in a compact way occupying only 10 % of the site: the linear compact urban development meanders through the landscape, providing every apartment with views towards the city. In addition sports facilities, retail, restaurants, infrastructure and public and private gardens are part of the plan.

The remaining landscape becomes an eco-park: a mix of park and energy production. As the slopes are south facing solar energy is easily generated. A tapestry of PV-cells clad the mountain, covering the hills in golden reflection. On top of the two hills, windmills generate part of the energy needed for the 3.000 social houses and at the same time they work as landmarks for the development. 100% of the energy demand is generated on site by a combination of solar and wind energy. A greywater circuit and on site natural water purification are parts of the plan that combines dense urban living with real ecological improvements. All these measurements will allow the new development to reach a

CO2 neutral footprint and the highest Spanish energy efficiency rating.

Next to this, by building as compact as possible (following the optimal height line of the hill) the building costs are minimized. A further part of the plan is the construction of a funicular accessing a museum and viewing point hidden in the top of Montecorvo which will also house a research and promotion centre for

renewable and energy efficient technology. The on site production of clean energies and the quality of constr

uction will allow to save an excess of 6,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

The total sum of investment is 388 million Euro of which 40 million will be invested in renewable energy technology. MVRDV won the competition in collaboration with Spanish architecture office GRA

S. Client is the city of Logroño; the project will be developed by Spanish firms LMB and Grupo Progea and was conceived in collaboration with Arup.

Posted by Rose Etherington

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Gaurko klasean bertze ikaskideen hasiera-lanak ikusteko aukera eduki dugu, eta hagitz onuragarria iruditu zait. Proposamen ezberdinak ikusteak buruari bueltak ematea errezten du, askotan zure ideia bakar horretan itsutzen baikara. Irakasleen apunteek ere zer pentsatu utzi dute, egia erran gehienek plantan lan egin baitugu, eta ebaketetan altuerekin jolasteko aukera dugulataz iñor ez gara ohartu. Benetan aukera interesgarria!

Bitartean aprobetxatzen dut, nahiz eta argazkia ona ez den, Napoliko Castel Nuovo-n azpian dauden aztarnak erakusteko. Aztarna hauen gainean altzairuzko egitura duen forjatu bat dago, eta beiratez bete dituzte hutsarteak. Horrela, jendean oinez doan bitartean bere behekaldean aztarnak ikusten doa. Agian gure proiekturako baliagarria izan daiteko zati batzuetan. (alturei beldur diegunentzat ez da batere soluzio egokia...)

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

ilusioz lanean

Nire aurtengo proiektoseko kurtsoa, lan eginez disfrutatzeko kurtsoa izan daiela espero dut. Aunitz aditu dut 4. mailako proiektoseri buruz hitz egiten, eta egia erran gogoz eta ilusioz hartzen dut kurtsoa. Agian bidegarriak ez diren proiektuak egiten jardungo dugu urtea, baina horretarako ere aukera eduki nahi dut, ohikoak diren pautak eta mugak gaindituz buruan dauzkagun ideiei irtenbideren bat bilatuz. Beldurrik gabe gure proposamenak botaz, soluzio ezberdinekin esperimentuak egin. Proiektu bat osatzen duten bertze aspektu garrantzitsuak landu, argazkilaritza, bideogintza edota musika izan daitezkeen bezala. Egia erran agian imaginazioak altuegi hegan egin dezan utzi dut, eta eroriz gero desilusio galanta eraman dezaket, baina ilusiorik gabe ezin aintzinera egin, ilusio eta gogorik gabe ezin arkitektura sortu, ez eta gozatu ere. Beraz, gure nahiak ahal diren neurrian betetzea gustatuko litzaidake.